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I've started learning Android on this web-site and now I would like to pay back the author and make some translations. The following lessons are already published:
- Lesson 1. Introduction
- Lesson 2. Installing and configuring development environment Eclipse and SDK Tools
- Lesson 3. Creating AVD. The first application. Android project structure
- Lesson 4. Layout elements and their properties
- Lesson 5. Layout-file for Activity. XML Representation. Changing screen orientation.
- Lesson 6. Layout types. Key differences and properties.
- Lesson 7. Layout parameters for View-elements.
- Lesson 8. Working with layout elements from code.
- Lesson 9. Event listeners with Button example
- Lesson 10. Optimizing event listeners implementation
- Lesson 11. res/values folder. Using application resources
- Lesson 12. Logs and Toast messages.
- Lesson 13. Creating a simple menu
- Lesson 14. Menu, groups, order. MenuInflater and xml-menu
- Lesson 15. Context menu
- Lesson 16. Creating layout programmatically. LayoutParams
- Lesson 17. Creating View-components in a running application
- Lesson 18. Changing layoutParams in a running application
- Lesson 19. Creating a simple calculator
- Lesson 20. Animation
- Lesson 21. Creating and starting an Activity
- Lesson 22. Intent, Intent Filter, Context - theory
- Lesson 23. Activity Lifecycle. Activity states
- Lesson 24. Activity Lifecycle, example about changing states with two Activities
- Lesson 25. Task. What is it and how it is formed.
- Lesson 26. Intent Filter - practice
- Lesson 27. Reading action from Intent
- Lesson 28. Extras - passing data using Intent
- Lesson 29. Invoking Activity and getting a result. startActivityForResult method.
You can find the complete list of lessons published here.